(Job) The New India Assurance Company Ltd (NIACL) : Administrative Officer Recruitment 2021

(Job) The New India Assurance Company Ltd (NIACL) : Administrative Officer Recruitment 2021

The New India Assurance  Company   Ltd., a leading Public Sector General Insurance Company, invites applications for recruitment of 300 Officers (Generalists) in Scale I cadre from open market.

Post Details:












ID/ Mul.











UR: Un-reserved; SC: Scheduled Caste; ST: Scheduled Tribe; OBC: Other Backward Classes; EWS: Economically Weaker Section; PwBD: Persons with Benchmark Disabilities; HI: Hearing Impaired; VI: Visually Impaired; OC: Orthopedically Challenged; ID: Intellectual Disability; Mul: Multiple Disabilities

  • The above vacancies are provisional  and may vary according to the actual requirements of the Company at the material time.
  • Candidates  belonging  to  OBC  category  but  coming  in  the  ‘CREAMY LAYER’  are  not  entitled  to  OBC  reservation  and  age  relaxation.  They should indicate their category as GENERAL.
  • The   reservation   under   various   categories   will   be   as   per   prevailing Government Guidelines at the time of finalization of result.
  • Reservation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) in recruitment is governed  by  Office  Memorandum  no.  36039/1/2019 -Estt  (Res)  dated 31.01.2019 of Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personn el, Public Grievance & Pensions, Government of India.

Disclaimer: “EWS vacancies are tentative and subject to further directives of Government of India and outcome of any litigation. The appointment is provisional and is subject to the Income & Asset cert ificate being verified through the proper channels.”

Age Limit (as on 01.04.2021):

  • Minimum Age: 21 years and Maximum Age: 30 years, as on 01.04.2021 i.e. a candidate must have been born not earlier than 2nd Apr-1991 and not later than 1st Apr-2000 (both dates inclusive).

Education Qualification:

  • A  candidate   must   possess   the   minimum   qualification   of   a  graduate/post graduate  in  any  discipline  from  a  recognised  University  or  any  equivalen t qualification recognised as such by Central Government with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examination  for General  candidates  and at least 55% marks for SC/ST/PwBD candidates. Candidate should possess certificate in proof of passing the qualifying examination as on 30.09.2021.
  • Those who are in the Final Year/ Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for interview, they will have to  produce  proof  of  having  passed  the  qualifying  examination  on  or  before 30.09.2021. Candidates having Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) certificate should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 30.09.2021.


a)    Educational  qualifications   should  be  from  a  University/  Institution/ Board  recognised  by  Govt.  Of  India/  approved  by  Govt.  Regulatory Bodies   and   the   result   should   have   been   declared   on   or   before 30.09.2021.

b)   Proper document from Board / University for having declared the result on or before 30.09.2021 has to be submitted at the time of interv iew.

c)    The  candidate  must  possess  valid  Mark-sheet  /  Degree  Certificate  of the necessary qualification as on 30.09.2021.

d)  The percentage marks shall be arrived at by dividing the total marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects in all semester(s)/yea r(s) by aggregate maximum marks in all the subjects irrespective of honours / optional / additional optional subject, if any. This will be applicable for those Universities also where Class / Grade is decided on basis of Honours  marks  only.  The  fraction  of  percentage  so  arrived  will  be ignored i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60%.

e)   Where CGPA / OGPA are awarded, the candidate will have to produce a certificate issued by the appropriate authority inter alia stating the norms of the University regarding conversion of grade into percentage and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in terms of norms.

Selection  Procedure:

Phase-I: Preliminary Examination:

Preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This  would consist of 3 sections  (with separate  timings for each section) as follows:


Name of Test/Section (not in sequence)

Type of test

Max. Marks

Duration for each test/section (Separately timed)



English Language



20 min



Reasoning Ability



20 min



Quantitative Aptitude



20 min








Candidates have to qualify in each test/section by securing passing marks to be decided by the Company. Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Company (approximately 15 times the numbers of vacancies subject to availability) will be shortlisted for the Main Examination.

Phase – II: Main Examination:

Main Examination will consist of Objective Tests for 200 marks and Descriptive Test for 30 marks. Both the Objective and Descriptive Tests will be online. Candidates will have to answer Descriptive Test by typing on the computer. Immediately after completion of Objective Test, Descriptive Test will be administered.

(I) Objective Test: The Objective Test of 2.5 hours’ duration will be as follows. There will be separate timing for every section.



Name of Test

(not in sequence)



Type of test



Maximum Marks



Medium of Exam


for each

test/section (Separately timed)


Test of Reasoning



Eng/ Hindi

40 min


Test of English Language




40 min


Test of General Awareness



Eng/ Hindi

30 min


Test of Quantitative Aptitude



Eng/ Hindi

40 min


Total (Aggregate)





(ii) Descriptive Test: The Descriptive Test of 30 minutes’ duration with 30 marks will be a Test of English Language (Letter Writing-10marks & Essay-20 marks). The  descriptive  test  will be  in  English  and  will  be  conducted  through  on -line mode.

Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum score for each section of objective test separately for short listing for the Descriptive test evaluation/Interview. Descriptive answer script would be evaluated only in respect of those candidates who qualify the objective test. Depending  on the number of vacancies available, cut offs will be decided for Descriptive paper evaluation.

Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum total score (to be decided by the Company according to number of vacancies) in the objective test (main examination) and qualify in the descriptive test for short listing for the Inter view. Qualifying marks in the descriptive test shall be as follows: 15/30 (13.5/30 for SC, ST and PwBD).

A candidate shall be required to qualify in the descriptive test, but the marks in the descriptive test will not be counted towards short listing for i nterview or final selection.

Penalty for Wrong Answers (Applicable to both – Preliminary and Main examination)
There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. Each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, on e-fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
The  Company  reserves  the  right  to  modify  the  structure  of  the  examination which will be intimated through its website.

Phase – III: Interview

Candidates who have been shortlisted at the end of Phase-II will subsequently be called  for  an  Interview  to  be  conducted  by  the  Company.  Intervie w  will  be conducted at select centres. The weightage  (ratio) of online Examination  and Interview will be 75:25 respectively. The centre, address of the venue, time & date of Interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates are required to download their interview call letters from company’s website. Please note that any request regarding change in date, centre etc. of interview will not be entertained. However, the company reserves the right to change the date/ venue/ time/ centre etc. of interview or hold supplementary process for particular date / session / venue / centre / set of candidates at its discretion, under unforeseen circumstances, if any.

Final selection

Final  selection  would  be  based  on  consolidated  mar ks  of  main  examination (objective test) & Interview. The final merit list shall be prepared in descending order of the consolidated marks secured by the candidates. Candidates who fall within  the  number  of  vacancies  in  the  merit  list  shall  be  considered  fo r appointment. The selected candidates may be appointed in more than one batch as per the discretion of the Management. The seniority of the selected candidates will be as per the merit / select list. A Waiting List of candidates not exceeding 50% of the number of vacancies may also be prepared and may be utilized in the event of non acceptance of employment offer by the candidates selected in the final merit list.

Appointment of selected candidates is subject to their being found medically fit as per the requirements of the Company. Such appointment will also be subject to the service and conduct rules of the Company.

The candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfill the requirements of age and qualification (as on respective crucial dates mentioned earlier) before they apply. If a candidate is found ineligible, his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of recruitment. Appearing in the ONLINE EXAMINATION(S) & INTERVIEW will not automatically confer any right of being selected for the said post.

Application Fee (Non-Refundable):

Payable on-line from 01.09.2021 to 21.09.2021 (both dates inclusive)
SC/ ST / PwBD                                              Rs. 100/- (Intimation charge only)
All candidates other  than SC/ ST / PwBD    Rs. 750/-  (Application fee including intimation charges)

How to Apply:



Before applying online, candidates should- (i)   scan their:
-  photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm)
-  signature (with black ink)
-  left thumb impression (on white paper with black or blue ink)  (If a candidate  is not having  left thumb,  he/she  may use his/ her right thumb. If both thumbs are missing, the impression of one of the fingers of the left hand starting from the forefinger shou ld be taken. If there are no fingers on the left hand, the impression of one of the fingers  of  the  right  hand  starting  from  the  forefinger  should  be taken. If no fingers are available, the impression of left toe may be taken.   In   all   such   cases   where   left   thumb   impression   is   not uploaded,  the candidate  should specify in the uploaded  document the name of finger and the specification of left/right hand or toe).
- a hand written  declaration  (on a white paper  with black ink)  (text given below) (The hand written declaration has to be in the candidate’s hand writing and in English only. If it is written by anybody else and uploaded or in any other language, the application will be considered as invalid. (In the case of candidates who cannot write, may get the text of declaration typed and put their left hand thumb   impression   (if   not   able   to   sign   also)   below   the   typed declaration and upload the document as per specifications.)
ensuring  that  the  all  these  scanned  documents  adhere  to  the  required specifications as given ahead in the section.
(ii)  Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will NOT be accepted.
(iii) The   left   thumb   impression   should   be   properly   scanned   and   not smudged.
(iv) The text for the hand written declaration is as follows –
“I, _______  (Name  of the candidate),  hereby  declar e that all the information  submitted  by me in the application  form is correct,  true and valid. I  will present  the supporting  documents  as and when required.”
(v) The above mentioned hand written declaration has to be in the candidate’s  hand  writing  and  in  English  only  and  should  not  be  in Capital Letters. If it is written and uploaded by anybody else or in any other language, the application will be considered as invalid.
(vi) Keep the necessary details/documents  ready to make  Online Payment of the requisite application fee/ intimation charges
(vii) Have a valid personal email ID and mobile no., which should be kept active till the completion of this Recruitment Process. All official communication will be sent to the registered e -mail id of the candidate. Under no circumstances, a candidate should share with/mention e -mail ID to / of any other person. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal  e-mail  ID,  he/she  should  create  his/her  new  e-mail  ID  and mobile   no.   before   applying   on-line   and   must   maintain   that   email account and mobile number.

Important Dates:


On-line registration and payment of application fees

1st  to 21st  Sept. 2021 (both dates inclusive)

Phase-I Online Examination (Objective)

October 2021 (tentative)

Phase-II Online Examination (Objective + Descriptive)

November 2021 (tentative)

Click here for Apply

Click here for Download Official Notification

Courtecy: The New India Assurance Company Ltd (NIACL)