(Download) Bank of India P.O Exam Solved Paper (General Awareness) Held on: 31-10-2010
(Download) Bank of India P.O Exam Solved Paper (General Awareness) Held on: 31-10-2010
1. The Business Correspondence Model being adopted by the banks provides
Banking facilities to which of the following?
(A) Only Corporate borrowers
(B) Only Weaker sections the society and people of small villages
(C) Only those who are taking housing loans
(D) All (A), (B) & (C) above
(E) None of these
2. The concept of “Carbon Credit” is associated with which of the
following areas?
(A) Protection of environment
(B) Women empowerment
(C) Development of rural infrastructure
(D) Development of coal mines
(E) None of these
3. As we all Government is paying much attention to
improve Public Distribution System (PDS) in our country. Which of the following
have been the achievements of the PDS uptill now, owing to which
Government wants to further improve it? [Pick up correct statement(s)].
(A) After implementing PDS in India, no famine was reported. PDS was always
there to give people at least the bare minimum to survive.
(B) A drought of 1987 was worst in this century but PDS played a vital role in
overcoming the drought.
(C) Now PDS is feeding the poorest of the poor in this country.
(A) Only A
(B) Only B
(C) Only C
(D) All A, B and C are correct
(E) None of these
4. Global Micro Credit Summit-2011 will be
organized in which of the following
(A) Britain
(B) South Africa
(C) Spain
(D) Italy
(E) None of these
5. Many times we read about SHGs in
financial newspapers. What is the full form
of the term?
(A) Small Help Groups
(B) Self Help Groups
(C) Small Hope in Growths
(D) Self Hope Groups
(E) None of these
6. Whenever newspapers talk about the
performance of core industries, which of
the following is NOT considered among
(A) Petroleum
(B) Automobile
(C) Mining
(D) Steel
(E) Cement
7. Which of the following agencies/
organizations in India maintains the Micro
Finance Development and Equity Fund
which was in news recently?
(A) Confederation of Industries in India
(B) Indian Bank’s Association (IBA)
(C) Small Industries Development Bank
of India (SIDBI)
(D) Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
(E) National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD)
8. As per recent newspaper reports UK based
Cairn Energy is the process of selling its
stake to which one of the following
companies of Indian base?
(A) ONGC Videsh
(B) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
(C) Vedanta Resources
(D) Posco India
(E) None of these
9. Which of the following bills presented in the Parliament will bring
some changes in existing tax regime?
(A) Direct Taxes Code (DTC) Bill
(B) Foreign Exchange Management Regulatory Bill
(C) Companies Act Bill
(D) Salaries and Perks for MPs Bill
(E) Finance Bill 2010-11
10. Under Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS), the
benefits are available to the people having minimum age of ____________
(A) 50 years
(B) 55 years
(C) 65 years
(D) 60 years
(E) 70 years

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