Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was established on 1 January 1984. On 28 October 2005, the Bank was wholly restructured to a joint-stock limited company. On 27 October 2006, the Bank was successfully listed on both Shanghai Stock Exchange and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. Through its continuous endeavor and stable development, the Bank has developed into the top large listed bank in the world, possessing an excellent customer base, a diversified business structure, strong innovation capabilities and market competitiveness and providing comprehensive financial products and services to 5,320 thousand corporate customers and 496 million personal customers. The Bank continued to promote reform, innovation and operation transformation. The Bank’s assets and liabilities business kept stable profitability during the structural adjustment. Retail banking, asset management and investment banking became important engines driving the profit growth, and the development of internet-based finance with leading edge gave impetus to the fundamental reform on operation and management models and service methods. The pattern of internationalized and diversified operation was further improved, covering 42 countries and regions, and overseas operations and comprehensive subsidiaries of fund, insurance and leasing contributed more to the Bank’s profit-making. In 2015, the Bank was named the “Best Emerging Markets Bank” by Euromoney, and ranked 1st place among the Top 1000 World Banks by the Banker and the Global 2000 listed by the US magazine Forbes for the third consecutive year.

Contact Details:

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Address: No.55 FuXingMenNei Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.C
Post Code:100140
Tel : Nationwide 24-hour Service Hotline: 95588
24-hour VIP Service Hotline: 400-66-95588

Courtesy: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China