RBI Recruitment Exams Sample Papers for RO-DISM (Previous Year - 2010 : ENGLISH )

R.B.I.S.B. (Officer in Grade-'B' - DISM) PY - 2010


1. Write an argumentative essay of about 500 words on any one of the following topics :—

(a) Politics and economics can never be separated.
(b) Should there be reservation for women ?
(c) Has our middle-class become an unconcerned class ?
(d) Corruption is the bane of democracy.
(e) To err is human ; to forgive divine.

2. (a) Make a précis of the following passage, reducing it to about 200 words and give it a suitable title. Use the special sheet provided for this purpose :—

India has, for long, been regarded as a soft state – a phrase coined by Gunnar Myrdal. It means a country where law enforcement and social discipline are low. By extension, the term implies that such a state is as timid and diffident in its dealings with other nations as with its own citizens. Unlike tough and totalitarian states or power-projecting countries like Israel, India was seen as mild and non-aggressive preferring compromise to confrontation.

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