IBPS : Specialist Officers Exam Paper Held On 14.02.2016 - (Reasoning)
Q1. This questions consists of an information and two statements numbered
I and II given below it. You have to decide which of the given statements
weaken/s or strengthen/s the information, and decide the appropriate answer.
I. The number of applications for admission in law colleges of country G has
been consistent since the past 5 years.
II. The number of students ready to pay heavy donations to get admission in the
most sought after law-college of country G are consistently increasing for past
three years.
a) Both statements I and statement II are neutral statements.
b) Both statements I and statement II weakens the information.
c) Statement I strengthens the information, while statement II weakens the
d) Statement I weakens the information, while statement II strengthens the
e) Both statement I and statement II strengthen the information.
Q2. . Read the given information and answer the questions.
Patients of lung aliments were mostly prescribed Medicine X which contains
only two constituents ‘viz’ agnet and ‘serovil’. However, there were reports
that many patients developed severe addiction to it on long term use. Therefore,
doctors now prescribe Medicine A to deal with the same because it contains
‘agnet’ and ‘serovil’. Which of the following can be concluded from the given
a) A medicine containing only serovil would not aid in treatment of the
mentioned lung disease at all.
b) Medicine A contains no other constituent other than agnet.
c) Short term usage of Medicine X does not develop its addiction even to a minor
d) Medicine X is not prescribed to treat any aliment these days.
e) Serovil was the constituent responsible for causing addiction of Medicine X.
Directions (Q3-7): Study the following information to answer the given
questions. Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people
each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In
row-1 G, H, I, J, K and L are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and
all of them are facing South. In row-2 S, T, U, V, W and X are seated (but not
necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing North. Therefore; in
the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row. The one who faces H sits third to the left of V. V does not
sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. S sits second to the left of V. The
one facing T sits third to the right of G. T does not sit any of the extreme
ends of the line. Only one person sits between G and I. K is neither an
immediate neighbour of I nor H. The one facing W sits second to the left of L. L
does not face X.
Q3. Who amongst the following sits second to the left of the person who
faces T?
a) H
b) I
c) J
d) K
e) L
Q4. Which of the following is true regarding S?
a) Both T and W are immediate neighbours of S.
b) None of the given options is true.
c) Only one person sits between S and U.
d) S sits second to right of X.
e) K is an immediate neighbour of the person who faces S
Q5. Who amongst the following faces L?
a) U
b) S
c) T
d) W
e) V
Q6. Which of the following groups of people represents the people sitting
at extreme ends of both the rows?
a) H, I, S, U
b) L, J, X, U
c) J, K, X, W
d) I, L, U, X
e) H, G, S, W
Q7. Which of the following is true with respect to the given information?
a) I faces W.
b) None of the given options is true.
c) G sits exactly between J and I.
d) U is an immediate neighbour of W.
e) H faces one of the immediate neighbours of X.
Directions (8-12): Study the following information carefully and
answer the given questions. When a word and number arrangement machine is given
an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular
rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the
numbers are two-digits numbers.)
Input Centre 24 actual 15 require impact 37 96 marine 49 unable 82
Step I 24 centre actual 15 require impact 37 96 marine unable 82 49
Step II 82 24 centre actual 15 require impact 96 marine unable 49 37
Step III 96 82 24 centre actual require impact marine 49 37 15 unable
Step IV Centre 96 82 24 actual require impact marine 49 37 15 unable
Step V marine centre 96 82 24 actual require 49 37 15 unable impact
Step VI require marine centre 96 82 24 49 37 15 unable impact actual
Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement
is obtained.
As power the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate
steps for the given input.
Input embark 53 palace 16 65 salute obvious 42 achieve 71 heaven 98
Q8. Which element is fourth to the right of the one which is ninth from
the right end in Step III of the given input?
a) 16
b) achieve
c) 53
d) salute
e) obvious
Q9. Which element comes exactly between ‘16’ and ‘salute’ in step V of the
given input ?
a) Both obvious and heaven
b) Only achieve
c) Both embark and palace
d) Only 65
e) Only 71
Q10. If in the Vth step, ‘16’ interchanges its position with ‘obvious’ and
‘heaven’ also interchanges its position with ‘65’, then which element will be
fifth to the right of ‘42’?
a) 16
b) 65
c) obvious
d) 71
e) heaven
Q11. Which of the following combinations represents the first two and last
two elements in step VI of the given input?
a) salute, obvious, embark, palace
b) heaven, palace, achieve, obvious
c) palace, heaven, obvious, embark
d) salute, palace, embark, achieve
e) embark, obvious, palace, achieve
Q12. In which step are the elements ‘heaven 98 archive 71’ found in the
same order?
a) Fourth
b) Sixth
c) Fifth
d) Third
e) The given order of elements is not found in any step
Directions (13-17): Study the given information carefully to answer
the given questions. Eight people P, Q, R, S, W, X, Y and Z live on eight
different floors of a building, but not necessarily in the same order. The
lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered
two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. P lives on an even
numbered floor above the floor numbered three. Y lives immediately below P. Only
three people live between Y and R. Only two people live between W and P as are
there between W and Q. Only two people live between Q and Z. S lives immediately
above Z.
Q13. Who amongst the following live exactly between Y and W?
a) Only P
b) Only X
c) No one
d) Both P and X
e) Both X and Q
Q14. Who amongst the following lives on the floor numbered five?
a) X
b) Q
c) S
d) R
e) Y
Q15. As power the given arrangement, four of the following five are alike
in a certain way and so form a group. Which one of the following does not belong
to the group?
a) Q-Two
b) V-Seven
c) R-Five
d) P-Six
e) Z-Three
Q16. On which of the following floor numbers does R live?
a) Seven
b) Six
c) Three
d) Eight
e) Two
Q17. If X and P interchange their places and so do Z and R, then who will
live between P and Z as per the new arrangement?
a) Q
b) W
c) R
d) Y
e) Other than those given as options
Directions (Q18-23): Study the following information and answer the
questions. Seven friends, namely P, Q, R, S, T, U and V watch seven different
movies namely Spectre. Joy, Burnt, Concussion, Frozen, Everly and Legend, not
necessarily in the same order, starting from Monday to Sunday (of the same week)
T watches a movie on Thursday. Only one person watches movie between T and the
one who watches Frozen. P watches movie immediately after the one who watches
Frozen. Only three people watch movie between P and the one who watches Burnt.
Only two people watch movie between the one who watches Burnt and U. The one who
watches Legend watch movie before U, but after Thursday. More than two people
watch movie between the one who watches Legend and R. The one who watches
spectre watches movie immediately before the one who watches Everly. The one who
watches Conclusion watches movie immediately before Q. V does not watch movie on
Q18. Who amongst the following watches Joy?
a) R
b) S
c) P
d) T
e) V
Q19. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a
group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
a) R-Tuesday
b) T-Thursday
c) Q-Sunday
d) P-Friday
e) U-Saturday
Q20. Which of the following is true about S?
a) S watches movie immediately after R.
b) S watches Burnt.
c) Only two people watch movie between S and R.
d) All the given statements are true.
e) S watches movie on Sunday.
Q21. Which of the following movies does T watch?
a) Burnt
b) Spectre
c) Everly
d) Concussion
e) Legend
Q22. As per the given arrangement Q is related to the one who watches
Burnt in a certain way and R is related to the one who watches Everly in the
same way. To which of the following is U related to in the same way?
a) The one who watches Joy.
b) The one who watches concussion.
c) The one who watches Burnt.
d) The one who watches Spectre.
e) The one who watches Legend.
Q23. On which of the following days does V watch a movie?
a) Friday
b) Sunday
c) Wednesday
d) Saturday
e) Monday
Q24. Read the following information and answer the questions. The women of
Village X are becoming financially independent after Shakti, an NGO, started
assisted the women in mastering art of making organic colours thus helping them
to earn a living. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the
given statements? (An inference is something by, which you can logically deduced
something to be true based on known premises.)
a) In order to master the art of making organic colours, one must seek the
assistance of Shakti only.
b) Organic colours made by the women of village X have captured the interest of
people to some extent.
c) The women of village X have never tried their hand at any art except colour
d) Shakti provides assistance only in the field of organic colour making and
specifically to women.
e) Women of village X have never been assisted by any other NGO in the past.
Q25. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word NEUTRAL each of
which has as many letters in the word in both forward and backward directions as
there are between them in English alphabetical series?
a) Three
b) None
c) Two
d) More than three
e) One