Study Materials for IBPS, Bank Exams : Mental Ability/Reasoning (Verbal) - Logical Venn Diagram [MCQ]

Logical Venn Diagrams (MCQ )

In the following diagram, the circle represents College Professors, the triangle stands for Surgical Specialists, and Medical Specialists are represented by the rectangle.

1. College Professors who are also Surgical Specialists are represented by

(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
(5) Z

2. Surgical Specialists who are also Medical Specialists but not Professors are represented by

(1) B
(2) X
(3) X
(4) Z
(5) Y

3. C represents

(1) Medical Specialists
(2) College Professors
(3) Surgical Specialists
(4) Mecial and Surgical Specialists
(5) None of these

4. B represents

(1) Professors who are neither Medical nor Surgical Specialists
(2) Professors who are not Surgical Specialists
(3) Medical Specialists who are neither Professors nor Surgical Specialists
(4) Professors who are not Medical Specialists
(5) None of these

5. College Professors who are also Medical Specialists are represented by

(1) A
(2) X
(3) Y
(4) Z
(5) None of these

Study the diagram given belo to answer these questions:

The triangle in the above figure depicts women in villages, the square depicts the unemployed women and the circle dcepicts the educated women.

6. Educated employed women in villages are represented by

(1) D
(2) E
(3) F
(4) G
(5) B

7. What does letter D represent?

(1) Uneducated women in villages
(2) Unemployed women in villages who are not educated
(3) Educated unemployed women
(4) Educated employed women
(5) None of these

8. In the following figure, the boys who are athletes and disciplined are indicated by which number. The triangle represents girls, the circle athletes, the rectangle boys and the square disciplined.

(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 6
(4) 10
(5) None of these