SBI PO MODEL QUESTION : Data Interpretation - 08

SBI PO MODEL QUESTION : Data Interpretation - 08

Directions: Study the following table to answer these questions.

Percentage of Marks Obtained by 7 Students in 6 Subjects (Maximum marks for each subject are shown in brackets)

Subject             H                 G                 M                 S                 E                 H

Student            (75)            (60)             (80)              (50)             (40)             (40)

    P                 86                82                95                 78               66                84
    Q                92                78                85                 89               72                76
    R                 76                94                89                 75               62                69
    T                 67                74                74                 84               85                82
    M                74                86                64                 80               78                72
    L                 88                 89               76                 88               70                64
    N                 90                96                86                 92              65                66

Q1. Approximately what is the over all percentage of marks obtained by the T in all the subjects?

(a) 79
(b) 82
(c) 86
(d) 72
(e) Data Inadequate

Q2. What is the over all percentage of marks obtained by M in all the subjects (rounded off to two digits after decimal)?

(a) 82.74
(b) 84.76
(c) 76.84 (d) 74.87
(e) Data Inadequate

Q3. What are the average marks obtained by all the students in Geography?

(a) 51.34
(b) 85.57
(c) 52.36
(d) 76.27
(e) Data Inadequate

Q4. What are the total marks obtained by L in History, Geography and Mathematics?

(a) 221.8
(b) 253
(c) 180.2
(d) 184
(e) Data Inadequate

Q5. What are the average percentage of mark obtained by all the students in Mathematics?

(a) 81.92
(b) 81.29
(c) 65.03
(d) 76.23
(e) Data Inadequate

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1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (d)