SBI PO (Main) Exam Paper - 2018 "English Language"
Direction (46-55): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of these.
Paragraph 1: The distressing news of three young girls dying of starvation in the heart of New Delhi last week raises a number of questions; not only on the failure of the state to protect its citizens from hunger 70 years after independence but also on the development model that India seems to be following. (A) It is a paradox to note that India has moved into consumer capitalism from industrial capitalism.
Paragraph 2: The death of these children follows a series of reports of alleged starvation deaths over the last six months, mostly from Jharkhand but also from other states such as Karnataka, Chhattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh. In each of these cases, fact- finding reports and newspaper stories have documented failures of the system in reaching entitlements to the affected families. The National Food Security Act (NFSA) includes provisions for subsidised grains from the public distribution system (PDS), school meals for schoolgoing children, maternity entitlements and supplementary nutrition for young children through Anganwadi centres. A fact-finding report prepared by the Delhi Rozi Roti Adhikar Abhiyan revealed that while these services were available in the area, the girls and their parents did not have access to any of these in the months preceding their deaths. This was presumably because it was more difficult for them to get enrolled as they were migrants and did not have the necessary documents. Or, probably because the quota of ration cards in Delhi have already been distributed.
Paragraph 3: In all cases of alleged starvation deaths reported so far, there has been a documentation of denials of either NFSA entitlements or social security pensions (for the aged/single women) due to bureaucratic hurdles and/or resource constraints imposed by the state. These cases of deaths associated with protracted periods of hunger highlight the fact that despite the availability of such an elaborate system of social sector schemes, the
most marginalised are being left out. Along with tightening the implementation mechanism for the existing schemes, other initiatives such as community kitchens in urban areas, diversified food baskets through the PDS particularly in tribal areas, provision of school meals during vacations and soon; that have been tried and found successful in different states need to be replicated across the country. Further, requirements such as mandatory
Aadhaar authentication, which in a number of these cases, has been an underlying cause for exclusion should not be allowed. A truly universal system of social security that pays special attention to reaching out to the most
vulnerable communities needs to be put in place.
Paragraph 4: The deep-rooted inequity in the current economic model which, while benefiting a few, is resulting in many being deprived of basic livelihood security and dignified employment opportunities, needs to be acknowledged. Cases like these expose the vulnerability of millions of Indians who are living such precariouslives in the absence of livelihood security. (B) The state is conspicuous by its absence. (C) There must be a national debate on issues of equitable distribution of resources. At the very least, what the state and political parties can do is to initiate such a discussion and offer creative solutions rather than spending their energy in trying to establish whether the deaths were due to starvation at all or not. There must be accountability for this state of affairs. It simply cannot be business as usual anymore.
46. A statement is given below followed by two inferences numbered I and II. An inference is a piece of information which can be logically deduced from the given statement. You have to consider the statement and the following inferences and then mark the correct answer.
Statement: Further, requirements such as mandatory Aadhaar authentication, which in a number of these cases, has been an underlying cause for exclusion should not be allowed.
Inference I: The government has to take foolproof measures for seeding of Aadhaar numbers.
Inference II: Most of the people who died of starvation were reportedly denied rations from the Public Distribution System shops for failing to have Aadhaar-based biometric authentication.
A. Only inference I is implicit.
B. Only inference II is implicit.
C. Either inference I or II is implicit.
D. Neither inference I nor II is implicit.
E. Both the inference I and II are implicit.
47. Which of the following statements can be inferred from paragraph 2 of the given passage?
I. The deaths had led to questions about the state government’s ability to ensure regular food supply to the state’s poor and needy.
II. As per the NFSA, the supply of the ration is not allowed to migrants because they do not have the necessary documents.
III. Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand are the most food-insecure States, accounting for most of all neonatal deaths.
IV. The National Food Security Act (NFSA) has four components that can help in the making of a small dent in the scale of the problem of hunger and under nutrition.
A. Only III
B. Both III and IV
C. II, III and IV
D. I, III and IV
E. All of the above
48. Which of the following is neither an antonym nor a synonym for the given word?
A. Dubious
B. Secure
C. Arcane
D. Sound
E. Parlous
49. Which of these presents a contrast to the following statement (A) as mentioned
in paragraph 1: It is a paradox to note that India has moved into consumer capitalism from industrial capitalism.
A. India has moved from "crony socialism" to "stigmatised capitalism.”
B. While India has gone from socialism to capitalism, this does not mean that we are likely to see India replace its political aristocracy with an economic one.
C. Adhering to its intended business model, India has successfully become a consumer capitalist.
D. It is absurd that India has moved from "crony socialism" to "stigmatised capitalism.”
E. India opted for a dirigiste model of industrial capitalist development.
50. Which of the following statements can follow paragraph 3 to form a connection with paragraph 4?
I. Our core social and economic challenges are clearly deep-rooted and systemic - rather than the result of a temporary downturn.
II. While there is a need to improve the system of entitlements provided by the state, there is also a need to introspect how despite over two decades of high economic growth, the country is faced with a situation where people are dying of hunger and starvation.
III. The key failures lie not in inadequate resources and technology but in inequalities rooted in economics and politics.
A. Only II
B. Only III
C. Both I and II
D. Both II and III
E. Both I and III
51. Which of the following reflects the author’s viewpoint(s) with respect to paragraph 1?
I. The urban poor has a dystopian existence.
II. In 70 years of independence, India has not addressed the gruelling poverty suffered by millions.
III. The state seems to have failed to gauge ‘the erosion of state’ at the grassroots due to its uncritical faith in the planning driven economic model.
IV. High growth notwithstanding, India seems to have failed on two fronts.
A. Only II
B. Both II and I
C. Both I and IV
D. II, III and IV
E. I, II and IV
52. Which of the following statement can replace the highlighted statement (C) in paragraph 4?
A. The issue of equitable distribution of resources in this country is a major issue.
B. The national discussions, seminar, debates on the social security facilities must be held and all political parties, states should co-operate each-other to find out a present solution.
C. There is a long road to a federal welfare state.
D. The engagement of different groups in the political process increases the likelihood of a fair and equitable distribution of resources.
E. The state must get active to explore and promote various alternatives for resolving resource allocation problems.
53. A statement is given below followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and then mark the correct answer.
Statement: These cases of deaths associated with protracted periods of hunger highlight the fact that despite the availability of such an elaborate system of social sector schemes, the most marginalised are being left out.
Assumption I: The availability of an elaborate system of social sector schemes can save people from dying.
Assumption II: People who died because of protracted periods of hunger belonged to the most marginalised section of our society.
A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either assumption I or II is implicit.
D. Neither assumption I nor II is implicit.
E. Both the assumptions I and II are implicit.
54. What does the statement marked as (B) in paragraph 4 refer to?
A. The State was absent because it had some other important agenda to attend to.
B. The State was absent where it should have been.
C. The State made its agenda clear by not being present.
D. The State was unintentionally absent.
E. The State was attracting attention.
55. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE with respect to paragraph 3 of the passage?
A. Denial of social security facilities is to blame in cases of alleged starvation deaths.
B. Because of bureaucratic hurdles and resource constraints imposed by the state, the social security finances for the marginalized were not distributed.
C. The state needs to tighten the loopholes around mechanisms of the existing schemes.
D. Those initiatives that have been tried and found successful in different states need to be replicated across the country.
E. A truly universal system of social security must be established which pays special attention to reaching out to the most vulnerable communities.

56. Direction: A sentence divided into 5 parts is given, each of which is numbered. One of the parts of the sentence is missing and is marked by a blank. Choose the option as your answer, which when filled in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect. After Sterlite announced its plans to expand the (1)/ Tuticorin plant, villagers around it started fresh protests (2)/ _________ (3)/ the May 22 police firing on protestors that (4)/ claimed 13 lives and left scores injured. (5)
A. Even before the announcements were made, which culminated in
B. While showcasing their agitation through dance and drama, but unfortunately it ended in
C. Which lasted not more than 100 days and resulted in
D. That continued for over 100 days, culminating in
E. None of the above
57. Direction: A sentence divided into 5 parts is given, each of which is numbered. One of the parts of the sentence is missing and is marked by a blank. Choose the option as your answer, which when filled in the blank will render the second part of the sentence incorrect. As far as its applicability to fiduciaries operating (1)/ outside India, the law will apply only to those (2)/ doing business in India, or who have (3)/ collected a significant amount of personal data (4)/ ________________ (5)
A. Which could be used to harm either the State or the citizens.
B. Which is helpful in maintaining the legal sanctity of the State
C. Which may or may not jeopardise the sovereignty of the state
D. Which can act as a tool to tarnish the heritage of the state of its global image
E. None of the above
58. Direction: A sentence divided into 5 parts is given, each of which is numbered. One of the parts of the sentence is missing and is marked by a blank. Choose the option as your answer, which when filled in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect. We will adopt the village of Charoti in Maharahstra (1)/ to train tribal women in garment-making, (2)/ and thereafter encouraged by the success of this initiative, (3) _______ (4)/ with Jawahar, in the same district—Palghar (5)
A. We took another step in that direction
B. We will go a step ahead
C. We will aim towards another initiative
D. Another plan will be discussed
E. None of the above
59. Direction: A sentence divided into 5 parts is given, each of which is numbered. One of the parts of the sentence is missing and is marked by a blank. Choose the option as your answer, which when filled in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect. Documents and research recently revealed that (1)/ __________ (2)/ training from Russia and collecting military (3)/ equipment, which some have warned (4)/ could be used to promote separatism. (5)
A. Local police in Republika Srpska are receiving military-style
B. Local police in Republika Srpska have been receiving military-style
C. Local police in Republika Srpska have necessarily received military-style
D. Local police in Republika Srpska are in all probability receiving military-style
E. None of these
60. Direction: A sentence divided into 5 parts is given, each of which is numbered. One of the parts of the sentence is missing and is marked by a blank. Choose the option as your answer, which when filled in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect. The informal food economy, which falls outside official regulation, (1)/ ____________ (2)/ opportunities for livelihoods (3)/ and a way to stay connected to families (4)/ and communities far away. (5)
A. Acts as a boon for the immigrants as it gives
B. Has been a harbinger of change in the lives of migrants as it provides
C. Play a key role in many migrants’ lives as they offer
D. Has established itself as a gamechanger in the democratic nation as it lends
E. None of these
61. Direction: In the following question a short passage is given, in which every sentence is followed by a number. The passage is followed by a statement, which would replace one of these numbers and fit appropriately in the passage to make it complete and coherent (coherent means logically complete and sound). Select the option that mentions the number where the statement should fit. If the given sentence does not fit anywhere, mark “None of these” as your answer. The struggle to combat climate change brings out the best and worst of capitalism. (1) Decarbonisation of the economy requires alternatives for coal and cars that run on diesel, and that plays to capitalism’s strengths. (2) The cost of producing solar- and wind- powered electricity has collapsed. (3) Great advances are also being made in battery technology, which is vital for the new generation of electricity-powered vehicles. (4) Innovation is what capitalism is all about, and there has been staggeringly rapid progress in developing clean alternatives to coal, oil and gas.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these
62. Direction: In the following question a short passage is given, in which every sentence is followed by a number. The passage is followed by a statement, which would replace one of these numbers and fit appropriately in the passage to make it complete and coherent (coherent means logically complete and sound). Select the option that mentions the number where the statement should fit. If the given sentence does not fit anywhere, mark “None of these” as your answer.
(1) Like the railways, electricity, and the theory of evolution, nationalism was also invented in modern Europe. The European model of nationalism sought to unite residents of a particular geographical territory on the basis of a single language, a shared religion, and a common enemy. (2) So to be British, you had to speak English, and minority tongues such as Welsh and Gaelic were either suppressed or disregarded. (3) Finally, to be authentically and loyally British, you had to detest France. (4) To be properly British you had to be Protestant, which is why the king was also the head of the Church, and Catholics were distinctly second-class citizens.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these
Direction (63-66): Given below are six statements A, B, C, D, E and F, which when arranged in the correct order, form a coherent and meaningful paragraph.The sentence marked D is fixed and would fit in the fourth position. Rearrange the other statements in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions that follow.
A. Acts of grand corruption usually involve a set of illegal actions – like the bribery of public officials, substitution of materials or resources, and the complicity of a group of actors – that may lead to fatal consequences.
B. For a number of years, the anti- corruption community has discussed the possibility of prosecuting cases of grand corruption. This could have a positive impact on raising awareness and reform and may fill a vacuum if a state is unable or unwilling to prosecute certain cases of grand corruption.
C. There is a need to protect the universality of human rights, and to do so, we must stop regarding corruption as something cultural or contextual. The ambiguity of the concept makes it more difficult to include anti-corruption among human rights issues.
D. Because of this, dozens of children were given false cancer treatments in Veracruz. Children were given water instead of chemotherapy treatments. Funding was also cut from security and police forces; 2,500 homicides were registered during Duarte’s administration.
E. Corruption affects human rights in a variety of ways, yet it is still not considered a “human rights violation”. Instead, it is solely deemed an international offence.
F. The consequences of corruption are far worse than they appear in plain sight. Between 2012 and 2016, Javier Duarte in Mexico transferred millions of pesos from public funds into his private accounts, including money destined to health providers and security forces.
63. Which of the following will be the first statement after rearrangement?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. E
E. F
64. Which of the following pairs form two consecutive statements after rearrangement?
A. A-F
B. D-E
C. B-A
D. F-A
E. C-F
65. Which of the following will be the last statement after rearrangement?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. E
E. D